In a heartbreaking turn of events at the Paris Olympics, Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat, who was poised to make history, was disqualified from the 50kg women’s freestyle wrestling final. The disqualification came after Vinesh, who had achieved the unprecedented milestone of being the first Indian woman to qualify for an Olympic wrestling final, was found to be roughly 100 grams over the 50kg limit, despite her efforts to manage her weight.
Vinesh, who usually competes in the 53kg category, made the bold decision to compete in the 50kg category for the Paris Games. To meet this new weight limit, she undertook extreme measures. Reports indicate that Vinesh not only cut her hair but also attempted to draw blood to reduce her weight. Additionally, she engaged in intense cycling exercises to induce sweat, but these efforts were ultimately insufficient.
Sources revealed that Vinesh’s weight increased by 1kg overnight on Tuesday. Although she managed to reduce this by 900 grams, she was unable to shed the final 100 grams required to meet the limit.
Wrestling expert Ravi Dahiya explained that athletes are given a specific time frame to adjust their weight after the initial weigh-in. In Vinesh’s case, despite her rigorous attempts, she could not meet the weight requirement within the allotted time. Dahiya highlighted that athletes often undergo strenuous sessions to maintain their weight, and Vinesh, after her bouts on Tuesday, skipped meals and continued training into Wednesday morning.
Vinesh had previously disclosed the exhaustive measures she took to compete in the 50kg category, including intense sauna sessions. Her coach had even considered cutting her hair prior to the Games, but this measure was not implemented until the final hours.
The disqualification was a major setback for Vinesh and a significant disappointment for her supporters, who had high hopes for her performance in the gold medal match. The sporting world watched in shock as Vinesh’s dreams of Olympic glory were dashed by the narrowest of margins.